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Thursday, December 09, 2010

Sleepless in Bangi

I don't know what seems to be the problem, but Adik hardly sleeps last night. But most probably it was due to wind..this baby of mine is prone to colic lah..not like his brother.

I had my shift from last night until 4.30 am. Tried  every possible position nursing him and cuddling him. Then, when I can't take it anymore, I had to pass him to hubby.  And he took the shift until 7.15 am when he FINALLY SLEEP!

You see, lack of sleep could turn ME into one cranky mummy. And now I had one throbbing headache due to the lack of sleep.

Oh adik! You really tested mummy and daddy's patience last night. Serius, semlm sampai satu tahap  nak tutup je mulut adik..sbb tu Daddy kena take over..I thought your big brother was difficult last time, but compared to you, you win dear! 

Ya Allah, permudahkan urusan ku membesarkan anak-anakku dan tingkatlah kesabaran ku..AMIN.

4 apples:


hi ida,

alahai, siannya..btw, ko dah try tidokan meniarap..lately ni kan hujan. Maybe, kembung tu as u said. hmm, ko dah letakkan telon kat betis dia?


Melly: dah cuba dua2 tu...huhuhk..


I totally get son pon mcm tu dulu..we tried every possible way nak bagi dia tido mlm, ada yg letak perut baby kat lutut, ada yg tuam dgn jintan hitam..pendek kata mcm2 la cara..mmg rasa nak giler dah time tu, dah la first born, rasa ya allah kenapa la susah sgt bela anak ni..the only good thing is I am not working, so bila siang dia kroh2 kita pon amik peluang tido sama..kalo tak mmg kepala weng..eeii bila kenangkan zaman2 tu mmg serik la..


MQ : Itu lah pasal..kalo takde iman, dah bleh jadik kes dera..