My pregnancy journey is coming to an end tomorrow! I will be having a plan c-sect tomorrow afternoon. at PMC.(due to medical reason)..dengan kata lain pegi menyerah diri..hehe..
And now, I'm ALL ALONE at home..having my own ME time for the last time as the mummy of ONE. Tomorrow the status would be the Mummy to TWO soldiers!! Alhamdulillah, rezeki dari Allah. Never thought I would be blessed with another child in shorter time after Nazif. So, what I did today? Sleeping, browsing, watching tv, doing some laundry, folding clothes and had a longggg shower! Camera has been changed, and I plan to double check items in the hospital bags.
Please pray for our safety for tomorrow's delivery, OK? Enjoy the rest of Ramadhan and Maaf Zahir dan Batin.