I'm tagged again by Ziah!..hehehe..so here goes..
1. Were you smiling when you woke up this morning?
Nope...its the usual alarm that woke me up..
2. When was the last time you met someone new?
Open house(s) last week..the usual Syawal social events.
3. When did you last eat pizza?
Can't remember when. But I remember it was a take-out pizza..and its hawaiian supreme
4. Do you drink beer?
5. Do you wash your own clothes?
No... washing machine ado..but I do wish for machine that can automatically fold clothes.
6. What do you want more than anything?
Baby..babies..hehehe..I'm crossing my fingers rite now..hope it's happening soon!
7. Are you tired?
Not really..but sleepy yes!
8. Are you restless?
I'm restless for the past week and this coming week..can't wait for hubby to come home!
9. How many Frienster's view do you have today?
I have no idea..
10. Who is in the room with you?
Collegues..I'm in the office right now..ready to get home..
So..I'm tagging who ever reads this blog..if you want to do it!
4 weeks ago
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