1. What do you want for your birthday?
Emmm.. I got mine yesterday(belated gift)..white gold ring..oo..holiday would be nice too...
2. Who will be your next kiss?
None other than my hubby...he's my only one at the mo
3. When was the last time you went to the mall?
Does Wetex Parade inMuar is considered a mall?? Aaa..can lah
4. Are you wearing socks right now?
5. How did you spend your summer?
I'm in all-time summer country..so that's it.
6. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
Unfortunately, no.
7. What was the last thing you had drink?
Plain water, and before that for breakfast hot tea.
8. What are you wearing right now?
Baju kurung, with white background and purple flowers..
9. What was your last purchase?
10.What was the last food you ate?
Nasi lemak..
11. Who would be the person you would call if you were up in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep?
Nobody...because I didn't like my sleep to be disturbed..thus I will not do the same to others.
12. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
13. Do you have a pet?
14. What made you laugh in the last 5 days?
My 4 year old nephew Haiqal..(oo..patutla Pak Ngah tak beli kereta baru..nak beli lori kan??)
15. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
Home..with my story books and Mecca ..yess I miss going for Umrah
16. What is the last thing you purchased online?
Books, but a few months back..
17. One thing you hate about yourself?
I lurveee...myself hehehe..
18. What's your favorite soup?
Tom yam...
19. Do you miss anyone?
My niece Alysa
20. What are your plans for the day?
Work..work..work..,then go back, stop by Pasar Malam
21. Last person you SMS-ed?
Mona..office mate
22. Ever went to camp?
Err,,Kem Bina Negara during my uni days
23. Were you a good student in school?
Primary school: 100% attendance
Secondary school: OKla..
Uni: Also Okla
24. What do you know about the (your) future?
Nada..in the hands of Allah
25. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
Perfume ..Echo by Davidoff
4 weeks ago
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